Naeba Playthroughs b/w Nantes Playthroughs (C-96) [2022]


January 2022; After a yearlong gap here is the eleventh "Hi-Res AUDIO" title covering a pair of in-situ stagings of the "Playthroughs" framework given a month or so apart under wildly different circumstances.

Meticulously copied to special "Duplicator Safe" smoky-shell C-96 tapes (with gorgeous "Metallic" labels showing isolated details captured across both environments; no two copies have the same pair of images either on the labels or the inserts!) inside a reversible "Twin-Cover" J-Card array (ala the "Amposta/Lleida Generators" set) this presents both performances in their intended configurations. Comes complete with a voucher/download "Business" card which you can use to grab the appropriate companion digital release ("Late Playthroughs") on Bandcamp; enjoy!

As we approach the 20-year anniversary of the breaking of ground on the "Playthroughs" systems, I have begun performing the piece again on request, first at the Kranky 15th Anniversary party in Chicago, then at l'Auditori in Barcelona, finally picking up again for a trio of performances in late 2018, two of which are presented here in their unexpurgated states, exactly as they were performed & intended, with the "live to semiconductor" signals mixed with their in-situ environmental ambiances.

The settings of these two improvised performances; specifically, an outdoor floodplain in rural Western Japan flanked by mountains in all directions, then the Modern Art wing of a European Museum, couldn't have been any different, and so these two stagings, specifically, run at opposite sides of the possibility-sets of the piece: wild, risk-enabled, chaotic (Naeba) then placid, calm, measured (Nantes).

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January 2022; After a yearlong gap here is the eleventh "Hi-Res AUDIO" title covering a pair of in-situ stagings of the "Playthroughs" framework given a month or so apart under wildly different circumstances.

Meticulously copied to special "Duplicator Safe" smoky-shell C-96 tapes (with gorgeous "Metallic" labels showing isolated details captured across both environments; no two copies have the same pair of images either on the labels or the inserts!) inside a reversible "Twin-Cover" J-Card array (ala the "Amposta/Lleida Generators" set) this presents both performances in their intended configurations. Comes complete with a voucher/download "Business" card which you can use to grab the appropriate companion digital release ("Late Playthroughs") on Bandcamp; enjoy!

As we approach the 20-year anniversary of the breaking of ground on the "Playthroughs" systems, I have begun performing the piece again on request, first at the Kranky 15th Anniversary party in Chicago, then at l'Auditori in Barcelona, finally picking up again for a trio of performances in late 2018, two of which are presented here in their unexpurgated states, exactly as they were performed & intended, with the "live to semiconductor" signals mixed with their in-situ environmental ambiances.

The settings of these two improvised performances; specifically, an outdoor floodplain in rural Western Japan flanked by mountains in all directions, then the Modern Art wing of a European Museum, couldn't have been any different, and so these two stagings, specifically, run at opposite sides of the possibility-sets of the piece: wild, risk-enabled, chaotic (Naeba) then placid, calm, measured (Nantes).

January 2022; After a yearlong gap here is the eleventh "Hi-Res AUDIO" title covering a pair of in-situ stagings of the "Playthroughs" framework given a month or so apart under wildly different circumstances.

Meticulously copied to special "Duplicator Safe" smoky-shell C-96 tapes (with gorgeous "Metallic" labels showing isolated details captured across both environments; no two copies have the same pair of images either on the labels or the inserts!) inside a reversible "Twin-Cover" J-Card array (ala the "Amposta/Lleida Generators" set) this presents both performances in their intended configurations. Comes complete with a voucher/download "Business" card which you can use to grab the appropriate companion digital release ("Late Playthroughs") on Bandcamp; enjoy!

As we approach the 20-year anniversary of the breaking of ground on the "Playthroughs" systems, I have begun performing the piece again on request, first at the Kranky 15th Anniversary party in Chicago, then at l'Auditori in Barcelona, finally picking up again for a trio of performances in late 2018, two of which are presented here in their unexpurgated states, exactly as they were performed & intended, with the "live to semiconductor" signals mixed with their in-situ environmental ambiances.

The settings of these two improvised performances; specifically, an outdoor floodplain in rural Western Japan flanked by mountains in all directions, then the Modern Art wing of a European Museum, couldn't have been any different, and so these two stagings, specifically, run at opposite sides of the possibility-sets of the piece: wild, risk-enabled, chaotic (Naeba) then placid, calm, measured (Nantes).