Welcome. My name is Keith; I’m a composer of Live-Electronic & Computer-Music living in Brooklyn. After winding down activities considerably during a domestic sojourn to Australia & the near-contiguous pandemic, I have resumed fielding offers to travel & perform music.
Please get in touch (below) if you have something specific to propose; I’m all ears.
Formative experiments in software-based micro-sequencing & generative rhythms coupled with novel digital signal processing techniques (as Hrvatski) gave way to the ongoing exploration of glacially-paced shifts in timbre & tonality (“Playthroughs”) segueing into the pairing of relatively primitive analogue-computing concepts & contemporary sound-tools to yield deceptively complex, self-sustaining musical frameworks (“Generators”, “Occlusions”, & “Redactions”). In parallel, repeat-commissions from the GRM to compose for & diffuse Electroacoustic works on the Acousmonium have brought a childhood fascination with Musique Concrète & Tape-Music full circle.
While initially concerned primarily with making records (for kranky, Planet µ, Editions Mego, PAN, Nakid, & countless others) in the interim focus has shifted to performing, with over 500 concerts under the belt; many at the world’s most prestigious festivals (CTM, Dokumenta, FAQ, Geometry of Now, LUFF, Mutek, Présences Electroniques, Semibreve, Skaņu Mežs, Sonic Acts, Terraforma) & houses of culture (the Banff Centre, Berghain, Cafe OTO, EMPAC, Fylkingen, the Guggenheim, HEK, L'Auditori, Maison de la Radio, MASS MoCA, Paradiso, Pioneer Works, Podewil, REDCAT, Saint Vitus, Sydney Opera House, Volksbühne).
Gaining access to the prototype Paperface & SF Tape Music Center 100 systems at HUSEAC kicked off a life-long love affair with “Period” Electronic Instruments, leading to works (“Multiples”) for a litany of obscure & regional designs including those by Buchla, Coupigny, Delta Music Research, EMS, Hordijk, Moog, Publison, Serge, Steiner-Parker, & the Triadex Muse. This interest has culminated in collaborations, residencies, & teaching engagements at the Columbia Univsersity Computer Music Center, Elektronmusikstudion (EMS) Stockholm, Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (MESS), National Music Centre (NMC), Swiss Museum and Centre for Electronic Music Instruments (SMEM), & Willem Twee.
In addition to all of this, a side-career working in Music Distribution (first apprenticing at Forced Exposure, then running Mimaroglu Music/Sales, Broken-Music, & now Alpha State NYC) as well as ongoing research projects into the deepest recesses of Early Electronic & Experimental Music (most famously materializing as Creel Pone) & their associated radio programs on Montez Press & The Lot have kept me busy. I’ve been commissioned to write articles & essays on topics ranging from Ambient Music, to the “Ghost In The Machine” phenomenon, to figures such as Roland Kayn, Harry Bertoia, and Don Buchla & Pauline Oliveros. I’ll field the odd request for audio post/production work, beta testing & music hardware/software consulting & development; anything to stay busy.
Keith Fullerton Whitman
Greg Davis
SaapatoThursday January 9th
Doors 6:30PM / Show 7:00PMThe Howe Theater
Roosevelt Island Cultural Center
548 Main Street
Roosevelt Island, NY 10044 -
This was the first session of my 2025 “Alpha State” residency on The Lot Radio; I’ll be ‘performing’ a two-hour real-time 4-deck mix every four weeks throughout this year, so please keep an eye on the social media engines (arguably I’m the most present on BlueSky & Instagram these days) for a heads-up when they’ll be broadcasting live, and then when they’ve been posted to YouTube™ & SoundCloud (usually the next day). Here’s what I played:
First Hour (Electroacoustics)
1. Bernard Parmegiani; "Thalassa (1971)" (from "Early and Rarities", 2024)
2. Leo Küpper/Exequiel Virasoro; "Automatismes sonores: IV" (from "The Avantgarde Series", 1971)
3. Ben Vida; "The Untitled (July 2020)" (from "En el fin del mundo, hasta el fin del mundo", 2020)
4. Walter Marchetti; "Per La Sete Dell'Orecchio (Excerpt)" (from: "Fluxus Anthology", 2001)
5. Florian Hecker; "Resynthese FAVN (iw 0.99 – sw 0.01)" (from "Resynthese FAVN", 2024)
6. Wolf Vostell; "Elektronischer Dècoll/age. Happening Raum" (from: "Fluxus Anthology", 2001)
7. Manuella Blackburn; "Home Truths" (from "Interruptions", 2024)
8. Squarepusher; "4026 Melt 5" (from "Vacuum Tracks", 2006)
10. Leonard Rosenman; "Main Title Sound Effect Suite" (from "Fantastic Voyage", 1966)
11. Six Organs Of Admittance; "The Scout Is Here (Twig Harper Remix)" (from: "Companion Rises", 2024)
12. Jerry Goldsmith; "J.J. Gittis" (from "Chinatown", 1974)
13. Ahmed Essyad; "Sultane, pt. I" (from "Moroccan Electroacoustic Music 1972-74", 2024)
14. Paul Kelday; "Lament for the Victims of Violence" (from "Beyond The Perimeters", 2020)
15. Ikue Mori; "Day of Locusts" (from "Labyrinth", 2001)
16. Sarah Belle Reid; "Collide" (from "MASS (Extended + Remastered)", 2024)
17. David Jackman; "Blues" (from "Snatch 3", 1981)
18. Matt Weston; "Burials To Understanding" (from "Communism Has Appeared On The Scene", 2024)
19. Bülent Arel; "Stereo Electronic Music No. 1" (from "Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center", 1964)
20. Gustavo Diaz Jerez; "Morse-Thue (Base 2, 8khz)" (from "Fractal Sounds, Vol. 1", 2012)
21. Joker Nies; "Intruder Alert" (from "Hordijk, Vol. 2", 2023)
22. Nashim Ximena Gargari; "Ensifera Ventum 1" (from "EcoSono Environmental Computer Music and Sound Art", 2018)
23. farmersmanual; "rec1-sine01-combined" (from "shmip", 2022)
24. Guido Gamboa; "Peirce on Arbitrary Heterogeneity" (from "All Is Not Coherent in Nature: Polystudies for Algorithm & Electric Guitar", 2024)
25. Tetsu Inoue; "tane" (from "Yolo", 2005)
26. Manja Ristić / Joana Guerra / Verónica Cerrotta; "O vento retoma o seu lugar inicial" (from "Slani pejzaži", 2024)Second Hour (Deconstructions)
1. Ale Hop Laura Robles; "Defensoras del morro" (from "Agua dulce", 2023)
2. Den Sei Kwan; "− 2" (from "P'", 2020)
3. KAKUHAN; "MT-STM" (from "Metal Zone", 2022)
4. Kiiro Radical; "Denki Noise Dance 4" (from "Denki Noise Dance", 1981)
5. Kindohm; "CONNECT malone" (from "GET", 2023)
6. kirkis; "Linen Air" (from "halogen disk 1", 2020)
7. Little Movies; "Lil Flicks" (from "OCCii Compilation Deluxe Edition", 2021)
8. Lōtic; "Bulletproof" (from "Power", 2018)
9. Limpe Fuchs & Mark Fell; "Dessogia II (Original Mix)" (from "Dessogia / Queetch / Fauch", 2024)
10. M.E.S.H.; "Dzonot" (from "Hart Aber Fair", 2019)
11. Mark Fell; "Multistability 6-B" (from "Multistability", 2010)
13. Mumdance & Logos; "Hall Of Mirrors" (from "Proto", 2015)
14. Moondog; "Ray Malone Softshoe" (from "All the Best", 2017)
15. Nishimura Alimoti; "Nakayubi Tomare" (from "Shibou", 1981)
16. Nobukazu Takemura; "Toybox With Moonshine" (from "Child & Magic", 1997)
17. NYZ; "RLD minitonkla" (from "NTE GDN", 2018)
18. Pessimist; "Sattyuzai" (from "Music 1", 1981)
19. Plus Instruments; "Things" (from "Februari - April '81", 1981)
20. Russell Haswell; "RUNG Bonus Beats #8" (from "RUNG Bonus Beats", 2020)
21. Rook Valard; "Crowslish" (from "Alt.Frequencies 3", 1998)
22. Roberto Musci; "The Age of Fragmentation" (from "Cargo Cult", 2024)
23. Sd Laika; "Peaked" (from "That's Harakiri", 2014)
24. Slikback; "Dread" (from "Data", 2025)
25. Spednar; "exp 5" (from "Coniunctio", 2021)
26. Vladislav Delay; "Anima / A" (from "MP3 Collection", 2005)
27. Synalegg; "dytt0" (from "hArm0nii tanD3m", 2022)
28. William Fields; "Tempo Rubato" (from "FieldsOS", 2019)
29. William Fields; "Drum and Bass" (from "FieldsOS", 2019)Click on any album title to link to its respective page on Bandcamp (or, failing a digital release there, the Discogs listing); many of these can also be had from local record shops such as Record Grouch (right up the street from The Lot in Greenpoint) or Academy Record Annex (ditto).
Second session of the 2025 “Alpha State” residency on The Lot Radio! One hour of (contemporary & historic) Electroacoustics, one hour of Deconstructions, with four tracks/pieces playing simultaneously throughout; madness. This is already up on YouTube™ & SoundCloud, so please have a look/listen. Here’s what I played:
Hour 1 (Electroacoustics)
1. Luc Ferrari; "Ça va bien, merci ! (1989)" (from "Complete Works 09", 2024)
2. Diane Barbé; "le grand jardin de coupigny" (from "musiques tourbes", 2024)
3. Lau Nau & Joshua Burkett; "~ 3" (from "~", 2025)
4. Tomutonttu; "Spiralisoivasti soiva (jäädytetty)" (from "Halki pilvien", 2024)
5. James Rushford; "Quire I" (from "Turzets", 2024)
6. James Rushford; "Quire III" (from "Turzets", 2024)
7. Toshi Ichiyanagi (一柳慧); "Shikisokuzekuu-Kuusokuzeshiki (色即是空空即是色)" (from "Obscure Tape Music of Japan vol. 20", 2016)
8. El Jardín de las Matemáticas; "El Golem Gordo" (from "El Jardín de las Matemáticas", 2024)
9. Jonty Harrison; "Pair/Impair (1978)" (from "Articles indéfinis", 1996)
10. Juan Hidalgo; "Étude de stage (1961)" (from "Five Spanish Pioneers of Electronic and Experimental Music 1953-1969", 2024)
11. Intermodulation/Tim Souster; "World Music - Orbit I" (from "Connections (1970 - 1974)", 2024)
12. Katalin Ladik; "White Bird (2019)" (from "Water Angels", 2021)
13. Thilges3; "Pop.Aka.Pop" (from "Prototype - Armaments and Armatures Against Electronic Music", 2003)
14. Nate Wooley; "Stump The World (1)" (from "Henry House", 2025)
15. Todd Carter, Brent Gutzeit, Doug Lussenhop; "December 11, 1997" (from "Myopic Bookstore Improvised Music Workshop Volume One", 1999)
16. Gilles Gobeil; "Nuit cendre" (from "dans le silence de la nuit...", 2001)
17. Udo Wid; "Elf-Observatory [15° 18' 13" East / 48° 34' 39" North] Measuring Signal" (from "Prototype - Armaments and Armatures Against Electronic Music", 2003)
18. Freeka Tet & Amnesia Scanner; "FTAS Icaros (PNG noise cancellation)" (from "HOAX", 2024)
19. Nicolas Jaar; "Radio Chomio (con Eli Wewentxu)" (from "Piedras 2", 2024)
20. Bill Nace; "Clips II (A10)" (from "Clips II", 2024)
21. Koji Marutani; "Rain (feat. Toru Yamanaka)" (from "blueCubism - transcoded audio structures", 1999)
22. Ben Patterson, Davide Mosconi, Gabriele Bonomo, Philip Corner, Phoebe Neville, Walter Marchetti; "Paper Piece (1960)" (from "Early Works", 1999)
23. Gavin Gamboa; "stringQuartet-i: { 6 };" (from "Quartet Forensics", 2015)
24. Gordon Longfellow; "350-2" (from "Electronic Kabuki Mambo: Highlights From The Legendary Vortex Experiments At San Francisco's Morrison Planetarium", 2002)
25. Karlheinz Essl; "FABRIC - Dreaming Schubert (2017)" (from "Il ritorno di Kreisler E.T.A. Hoffmann", 2022)
26. R. K. Faulhaber; "OCE" (from "Dugong Weeps", 2021)
27. Jean Dubuffet; "Diligences futiles" (from "Expériences Musicales (II)", 2022)
28. David Edren; "Dance Of The Codariocalyx" (from "Music For Mimosa Pudica & Codariocalyx", 2023)
29. Leilehua Lanzilotti; "find" (from "forever forward in search of the beautiful", 2024)
30. John Wall and Alex Rodgers; "Herd Vectiv" (from "Herd Vectiv", 2024)
31. Matthias Puech; "Tunnel Vision" (from "A Geography Of Absence", 2021)
32. John Chantler; "A Season Later (for RH)" (from "Hordijk, Vol. 1", 2022)
33. Nexcyia; "Bend" (from "Exodus", 2024)Hour 2 (Deconstructions)
1. Madalyn Merkey; "Gypsy Woman" (from "Standards", 2021)
2. Han Bennink; "01 - Title" (from "Drums Solo - Loft, Köln - AUD - 24bit96", 2024)
3. Aksak Maboul; "Drums" (from "1980-04-20 at the Rock In Opposition Festival, Reims", 2024)
4. Pat Thomas; "Step 1" (from "This is Trick Step", 2024)
5. Jack Ruby; "Destroy/Lost" (from "Hit and Run", 2014)
6. Aho Ssan; "Tetsuo II" (from "Rhizomes", 2023)
7. Funkstörung; "Side A - Misch" (from "Mischmasch", 2024)
8. IKTS; "Seq7" (from "NEURAL SYNTHESIS EP", 2020)
9. Selman; "Bento Beater" (from "Rungler Acid", 2023)
10. Charmaine Lee & Ikue Mori; "Three Shades and a Lime (jondownload remix)" (from "Elevator Music", 2024)
11. Cam Deas & Jung An Tagen; "That (yGrid/D#) (Second Woman Remix)" (from "Presentism", 2021)
12. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Will Guthrie; "Bounce" (from "Electric Rag", 2021)
13. Jessica Ekomane; "MR.2023.9.5-A3" (from "Temporary Stored II", 2024)
14. Black Pus; "Gothic Socks" (from "Terrestrial Seethings", 2024)
15. Jim Shepard; "Quotients & Numbers" (from "Picking Through the Wreckage with a Stick", 2024)
16. Ensemble Economique; "Radiate Through Me (Steven Porter Remix)" (from "Steven Porter Remixes", 2017)
17. Aleksi Perälä / Nick Forte; "Untitled (Colundi Everyone) / Druse" (from "Kern, Vol. 3", 2016)
18. The Shadow Ring; "Wash What You Eat" (from "1996-97 Where Two Points Divide", 2024)
19. Jan Jelinek; "Lithiummelodie 1" (from "Kosmischer Pitch", 2025)
20. Maalem Houssam Guinia; "Jangari جانگري" (from "جوف الليل - Dead of Night", 2024)
21. Yximalloo; "O'Dwell" (from "Sakura Musique 2007-2014", 2017)
22. Tolerance; "Dose 03" (from "Dose", 2020)
23. Yximalloo; "Kuse" (from "Sakura Musique 2007-2014", 2017)
24. Feminist Improvising Group; "Any Trouble" (from "Radio Hamburg 1980-10-03", 1980)
25. Clinton Green; "Out of the Fog" (from "Lucid Lucid Lucid Lucid Lucid Lucid", 2024)
26. Klaus Weiss; "Eternity" (from "Time Signals", 1978)
27. Eddie Prévost; "Flayed" (from "Flayed / Crux", 1995)
28. Yoshio Machida (町田良夫); "Aug 16, 2004 'Isea2004', Slija Ferry, Baltic Sea, Finland " (from "Steelpan Improvisations: 2001-2008", 2009)
29. Norbert Eisbrenner, Conrad Schnitzler, Sven-Åke Johansson; "Mariental-Horst" (from "Mariental Tapes", 1970)
30. Eugene Carchesio; "Circle Music 4" (from "Taster's Menu", 2025)31. Ornette Coleman, Bern Nix, James Blood Ulmer, Fred Williams, Denardo Coleman, Ronald Shannon Jackson; "Sleep Talking" (from "Festival de Jazz d'Antibes, Juan-les-Pins - 16bit48 - 1978-07-22", 1978)
Click on any album title to link to its respective page on Bandcamp (or, failing a digital release there, the Discogs listing); many of these can also be had from local record shops such as Record Grouch (right up the street from The Loti n Greenpoint) or Academy Record Annex (ditto).
Metropolitan Waterworks Museum
2450 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02467
$30 general admission each night
$20 students or members each night
$50 2-day passes (limited availability)
No one turned away for lack of fundsThere is limited parking at the museum. Please use the T (Reservoir or Cleveland Circle stops on the Green line), if possible! The museum is fully accessible to people with disabilities. If you have questions, call the museum at 617-277-0065 or email susanna@nonevent.org.
Night 1: Doors 7:30pm, Music 8pm
id m theft able and The Choir Required, The Peeling Revealing
Nima Janmohammadi
Keith Fullerton WhitmanNight 2: Doors 7pm, Music 7:30pm
Regan Bowering
Mariam Rezaei
Sheer AnxietyAbout the artists:
Regan Bowering is a percussionist, improviser and sound artist based in London. Her solo work explores various combinations of objects and materials, drums and percussion, amps, speakers, and feedback. Her debut album Solos for _ _ _ _ spaces (Dec 2023, Bezirk Tapes) captures this process across a variety of settings, from cavernous concert halls to studios and micro-edits on a laptop. According to the Quietus, Solos is “a play of contrasts, contradicting voluminous expressions with confined phrases, taming resounding feedback with faint percussive flutters, but one that feels driven by the desire to craft electrifying drama rather than pure autotelic dissonance.” Bowering is one third of a trio with Li Song and Conal Blake, whose tape Music for Snare Drums and Portable Speakers was released on Infant Tree in May 2023.
The Choir Required, The Peeling Revealing is what happens when Maine’sid m theft able puts together and conducts a choir. Known for his insubordinate and virtuosic improvisational approach to electroacoustic music, id m theft able’s performances consist of stream-of-consciousness vocal technique, performative manipulations and gestures with collected objects, as well as the use of an amplified wire and wood sculpture that amasses echoes, shrieks, crashes, and creaks — assembling all manner of media sources. His works fit into an expansive visual universe and release history collected in mangdisc, an audiovisual label that serves as a vehicle for distribution (including a “found” series) that releases modest quantities of individualized works presented in whatever medium is available at the time. Id m theft able performs within and without the realms of noise, avant-improvisation, sound poetry, performance, etc. using voice, found objects, electronics, and whatever else is available. He has given hundreds of performances across four continents in various settings.
Nima Janmohammadi (solo setar) is a composer, improviser, and multi-instrumentalist. As a performer of Persian classical music, he has studied with great masters of Persian Music, including legendary Mohammad Reza Lotfi and Hossein Alizadeh. He has performed in numerous recordings and concerts including solo recitals in venues such as Boston's historic Jordan Hall, MIT, Harvard University, Tuft University, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He has recorded two solo Setar albums, The Kiss Belongs to Nobody (2017), and Night of Lilac in the Absence of Language (2023). As a composer, Nima has written for symphony orchestra, chamber music of various large and small ensembles, string quartet, and saxophone orchestra. He has also written open form and graphic scores that incorporate elements of composition and improvisation.
Lean is the sound collage, free bloop duo of Seamus Williams, who also runs the Ayurvedic Tapes label, and Mickey O’Hara (formerly of Floating Shapes). The pair are stalwarts of Worcester’s experimental music scene, where they also host the free form experimental music show Music Under the Moon on WCUW.
Mariam Rezaeiis an award winning composer, turntablist, writer and performer. She previously led the experimental arts project TOPH, and was a curator of TUSK FRINGE and TUSK NORTH for TUSK Festival in Newcastle (UK). Her work— often centered around contemporary turntablism and other experimental forms—has been showcased at the London Contemporary Music Festival, Tectonics Festival, Counterflows, EKKO Festival, amongst others. Rezaei’s music has been described as “high-velocity sonic surrealism” (The Guardian) that “harness[es] extreme technical prowess” (Boomkat). She has earned acclaim for her work from outlets such as London Jazz News, The Guardian, and The Wire magazine. In addition to her solo work, she is one third of The Turntable Trio with Maria Chavez and Victoria Shen. This will be her Boston debut.
Sheer Anxiety is the longstanding duo of Chris Strunk and Andrea Pensado. Boston-based drummer and curator Chris Strunk focuses on cymbal overtones, friction, and using non-traditional objects, such as table knives and marbles. Experimental musician, composer, and concert organizer Andrea Pensado lives in Salem, Massachusetts. Known for her intense live performances, she creates a highly personal sonic language using harsh, dense layers of sounds, often interwoven with her voice.
Keith Fullerton Whitman is a Brooklyn-based live electronics and computer music composer. Whitman’s formative experiments in software-based micro-sequencing & generative rhythms coupled with novel digital signal processing techniques (as Hrvatski) gave way to the ongoing exploration of glacially-paced shifts in timbre & tonality (“Playthroughs”) segueing into the pairing of relatively primitive analogue-computing concepts & contemporary sound-tools to yield deceptively complex, self-sustaining musical frameworks (“Generators”, “Occlusions”, & “Redactions”). In parallel, repeat-commissions from the GRM to compose for & diffuse Electroacoustic works on the Acousmonium have brought a childhood fascination with Musique Concrète & Tape-Music full circle. While initially concerned primarily with making records (for kranky, Planet µ, Editions Mego, PAN, Nakid, & countless others), his focus has shifted to performing, with over 500 concerts under his belt; many at the world’s most prestigious festivals & houses of culture. This will be his first Boston performance in almost a decade!
Waterworks 2025 is presented with the support of the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, WZBC 90.3 FM, the Newton Cultural Council & Brookline Commission for the Arts (local agencies supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council), Streetcar Wine & Beer, Café Fixe, and Digital Soup.
Non-Event’s programming is also made possible with the support of the Boston Cultural Commission, The Oedipus Foundation, and the Wagner Foundation.
Cleveland Uncommon Sound Project presents:
Re:Sound New & Experimental Music Festival
May 16th & 17th, 2025.
Maria Chávez
Aaron Dilloway & Ra Washington
Sarah Hennies & Tristan Kasten-Krause
Keith Fullerton Whitman
C. Spencer YehCopresented at Transformer Station with the Cleveland Museum of Art